
We MOVED to a new blog!!!!
Check it out HERE!!!

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Thanks everyone! Let me know what you think!


Maternity shoot

This is my beautiful sister in law.  She is due in June with their first baby!  We are so excited for them.  I am so glad we were able to take a few pictures so she could remember this time.


Senior Shoot

This was such a fun, easy, senior shoot!  She was so adorable and made my job easy!!!


If you have called me in the past few weeks and I did not return your call it's because I never got it!  I apologize!  I've had a few emails from people saying they called.  So, please email me to schedule a session or call me, it should be working now.  

New Pictures of the kids

This is what happens when you are bored on a thursday afternoon.....


Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be in AZ from  March 20-26th.  I am planning on doing 2-3 sessions while I am there.  Let me know if you are interested!


Nash... 4 months already!!

I can't believe my baby is 4 months already!  My mom gave him this little signed SUNS jersey for Christmas.  It is a 2T and already fits him.  Chubbers......I love it!