I have decided to go ahead and do mini sessions on Nov. 14th! So, if you are interested email me! I have 3 spots left in the afternoon! Thanks everyone!
Christmas cards are now available to order! Click here to view all the options and details and email me with your order! chelseabevans@yahoo.com
Orders must be in no later than Dec. 5th to get them in time for Christmas, but I highly recommend ordering early!!!!
The B Family
This is the cute B Family. They were so laid back and great to work with! Their little boy was so adorable, and I must say a great photographer! He was obsessed with my camera so I think santa needs to bring him his own little camera for Christmas! Hint Hint Mom and Dad! Thanks for the fun session and I hope you enjoy your pictures!

Ok...so I've had some inquiries about doing mini sessions. I have decided to see how many people would be interested, and if there are enough, I will choose a day and location and let everyone know.....Saturday, Nov. 14th might be the day. For those of you who aren't familiar with a mini session, let me fill you in! The details are as follows:
-$100 fee
-30 minutes with me!
-10-12 images of my choice on a disc
The nice thing about mini sessions are they are short, great for kids, you can get that one family picture you want for Christmas cards, and it's easy on the wallet, which I know is something most people are worrying about these days! Email me if you are interested!
The M Family
I've been wanting to do some two year pictures with Rylee for awhile, and since it was a perfect overcast morning the other day, I took her out. Can I just say I love my Rylee Roo.....with all her attitude and spice! She did not want to do ANYTHING I told her too! So, after 15 minutes of fighting with her I was like fine.....do what you want! I just followed her around for the next few minutes as she explored. I have to say, I am so glad she didn't listen to me. I was able to capture her....being her....looking at ants and being distracted by all the cars going by. She is definitely my challenge child, but oh do I love her for it.

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