Isn't this the sweetest little girl? She was soooo good for me. She slept the whole time!
More pictures....this time a cake and a few cupcakes. I love the beach/seashell theme. If you've been in my house, you would understand! The talented Erika had me take a few more pictures for her portfolio. It makes me hungry just looking at them!
These cute girls, one being my sister in law, wanted me to take a few pictures for their combined 18th birthday party bash! Oh to be young again! It was a blast to hang out with them! Thanks girls!
I took a few pictures of my little Rylee Roo on her first day of preschool. Thought I'd share.....I can't believe she is already two! I love you Miss Rylee!
Ok, so for those of you that have been following my blog know that awhile back I did a photo shoot of my sister and her two friends. Well, sad to say, I am just now getting to editing my sister's pics. Guess that is part of being my sister. But, of course, they turned out beautiful because she is SO easy to photograph! I love them. Thank you Sydney for being so patient. I love you, you are beautiful inside and out!
All right....I know it may seem a little early, but NOW is the time to book your sessions for the holidays. I know it seems far, but I am already filling up for October, and November will be just around the corner. Most of you love to send out Christmas cards and pictures are perfect gifts for the holidays. I am offering Christmas cards this year to my clients, if you are interested, so keep checking back for more info on those! I am looking forward to taking your pictures, so email me at, or give me a call at #602-505-5969 with any questions or concerns! Thanks everyone!
Last week I took some pictures for my neighbor and friend Erika, who makes these adorable cupcakes and cakes. She asked me to take a few shots of some she had made for a wedding. Don't you just want to eat one right now? Well, I am telling you.....they are DELICIOUS!!! Not to brag, but we have taste tested a few.....and they are awesome. Dark chocolate and the pumpkin with cream cheese frosting are my favorite. Actually, they're all good. So, if you need some cupcakes or a cake made for a wedding, party, whatever......Erika is the gal. Email me and I can give you her info!
Last week, I had the pleasure of photographing a dear childhood friend and her family. We had a lot of fun, especially with her very sassy little girl! She is a girl with a place to go and no one will get in her way! They are such a cute little family, thanks guys for letting me photograph you guys! And I promise.....we will come visit you on the beautiful island of Oahu!
Hello, my name is Chelsea and welcome to my blog! I am a wife and mother of two beautiful girls and a sweet baby boy! I enjoy spending time with family and friends, watching movies on the couch, eating double stuffed oreos, dates with my hubby, pumpkin choc chip cookies, laying on the beach, reading a book, hanging out on the street with fabulous neighbors, christmas cards, exercizing, watching my girls play dress up, and of course, I LOVE to take pictures! I am continually learning new things every time I get behind my camera! I also love the time after the session that allows me to get creative and create custom photographs! If you want to contact me about taking your pictures, you can email me at! Or call me at 602-505-5969! Thanks for visiting!
I like to shoot about 1-2 hrs before sundown. Right now, I am temporarily offering the disc at an additional charge or you can order prints through me. Check my website for details on pricing.