This is my little sister Sydney. Yes, she is beautiful! I know! And yes, she is only 17! She went to Prom last Saturday night, and she asked me to do her hair. I happened to not be feeling so well that day, but of course me being the best sister in the world, I said yes. After her hair and make-up were done, I casually told her that I happen to bring my new camera and wanted to take some pics of her. Let's just say she wasn't real thrilled, especially when I told her we were going across the street to the dairy farm to take them! Oh, how I love being the big sister. I can get away with being bossy! So, after 1o minutes of shooting away, we had to go since her date was waiting for her! I tried to get her to have her date meet us at the dairy so I could get some of the two of them, but that was apparently not going to happen. So, here are a few I've edited. Hope you like them!